In the event of absence please call the appropriate campus before 8:00am or email your child’s teacher/form tutor, you can get their email from the child’s details on the iSAMs app.
- Primary Campus +603 2148 3674
- Secondary Campus +603 9543 3688 (or email
If your child is away from school for more than two days, please ring the appropriate campus on the third morning to let us know more about the nature of the problem and the likely duration of absence. On return to school, we request a letter to the Class Teacher/Form Tutor briefly describing the reason for absence. Naturally, this letter should be written and signed by a parent.
To assist us with our analysis of progress, we report attendance on each report. This information is stored alongside progress data and will form part of our developing record of achievement for each student. Student absences are not encouraged unless there are extraordinary circumstances that prohibit attendance, such as protracted illness or hospitalisation.