The principles which apply to parental concerns and complaints also apply to complaints and concerns from students. However, there should be and are differences in approach. The teachers and staff at the Alice Smith School believe that it is important that students should be able to raise concerns with any member of staff with whom they feel comfortable. Students may also use the Alice Smith email system to make a member of staff aware of their concerns in a confidential manner if they so choose. Students may also raise general concerns via class/ tutor group meetings, through the School Counsellor and through School Council meetings.
At the start of each year, the form tutor and class teachers will explain these procedures to their class/tutees in a manner appropriate to their age.
The teachers and staff at the Alice Smith School are determined to ensure that all students know to whom they can turn if they have a concern or a problem they want to share and to whom they can communicate with if they want to make a formal or informal complaint.